Illegal Families: The former Hesso chief and the director's sentence of imprisonment

The NAB court sentenced 10,10 years imprisonment and Rs 5 crores 20,000 per person to the former Hesso chief and director, who proved to be guilty of illegal recruitment.

Justice Prize Ali Kalhoro judged the illegal recruitment case in HISCO in NAB court Hyderabad.

On the occasion of the crime, the court sentenced former Hsco chief Muzaffar Abbasi and director Anwar Ali Jokeview to 10,10 years imprisonment and Rs 5 crore 20,000 per person.

Both the accused who were on trial were arrested after being sentenced by the court.

It was believed that during the 2013, Muzaffar Abbasi and Anwar Ali Jokeview were charged with 277 illegal recruitments.


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